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Crıme And Devıance
MAKALE #13631 © Yazan Psk.Derya SOY | Yayın Kasım 2014 | 2,934 Okuyucu

Many people are likely to be the victim of a crime at some time in their life: phone theft, car theft, domestic burglary, or, in extreme cases, a rape or murder. Many of
those who do not become victims and some who do will be the perpetrators of crime. Some crime seems to be the result of a long-term profession of crime. Much crime seems to have been motivated by drug use and the need to purchase illegal drugs. At the same time, growing numbers of people, including many young people, are likely to be involved in fairly regular drug use, even if they do not become involved in committing other types of offence. Deviance is nonconformity to social norms or expectations.For many people, the word ‘deviance’ is used only in relation to moral, religious, or political norms. The ‘deviant’ is seen as someone whose behaviour departs from normal moral standards (for example, those concerned with sexual behaviour), or who deviates from a political or religious orthodoxy. The sociological conceptof deviance, however, takes a broader point of view and recognizes that there can be deviation from social norms of all kinds.

Deviance is concerned with the process whereby actions, beliefs or conditions come to be viewed as deviant by others. Deviance can be observed by the negative, stigmatizing social reaction of others towards these phenomena. Criminal behaviour, such as theft, can be deviant, but other crimes attract little or no social reaction, and cannot be considered deviant (e.g., violating copyright laws by downloading music in the internet). Some beliefs in society will attract negative reaction, such as racism and homophobia, but that depends on the society. People may have a condition which makes them treated badly by others, such as having HIV, dwarfism, facial deformities, or obesity. Deviance is relative to time and place because what is considered deviant in one social context may be non-deviant in another (e.g., fighting during a hockey game). Killing another human is wrong except when governments permit it during warfare or self-defense. The issue of social power cannot be divorced from a definition of deviance because some groups in society can criminalize the actions of another group by using their influence on legislators. Labeling is a process of social reaction by the "social audience," the people in society exposed to, judging and accordingly defining (labeling) someone's behaviour as deviant or otherwise. It has been characterized as the "invention, selection, manipulation of beliefs which define conduct in a negative way and the selection of people into these categories [....]" Labeling theory, consequently, suggests that deviance is caused by the deviant's being labeled as morally inferior, the deviant's internalizing the label and finally the deviant's acting according to that specific label. As time goes by, the "deviant" takes on traits that constitute deviance by committing such deviations as conform to the label. Individual and societal preoccupation with the label, in other words, leads the deviant individual to follow a self-fulfilling prophecy of abidance to the ascribed label. This theory, while very muchsymbolically - interactionist, also has elements of conflict theory, as the dominant group has the power to decide what is deviant and acceptable, and enjoys the power behind the labeling process. An example of this is a prison system that labels people convicted of theft, and because of this they start to view themselves as by definition thieves, incapable of changing. In other words, "Behaviour only becomes deviant or criminal if defined and interfered as such by specific people in specific situation.It is important to note the salient fact that society is not always correct in its labeling, often falsely identifying and misrepresenting people as deviants, or attributing to them characteristics which they do not have. In legal terms, people are often wrongly accused, yet many of them must live with the ensuant stigma for the rest of their lives.
Prison life for a young offender held in a Young Offenders Institution (or YOI) isn't that different to prison life for adult prisoners, however there are some differences in the way YOIs are run. As with adult prisoners, an induction session is organised for the first few days after a young offender arrives at prison. This is an opportunity to talk through any concerns and issues as well as discussing opportunities for education and training during their sentence. The study by the Howard League for Penal Reform, accuses the government of ignoring the resettlement needs of young offenders. It points out that almost 70% of young offenders are reconvicted within two years of their release, yet they are given little help in prison, or on their release, to help them rebuild their lives.It claims that the current lack of support means that sending young people to prison is putting the public at risk because it makes re-offending more likely. Imprisoning young men at this critical stage in their lives can have a massively detrimental effect upon their development and their future life chances. Alternatives to custody should be sought in all possible cases. The criminal justice system should instead work to resolve conflict and repair harm. All must recognise that imprisonment, even for a short period, ruptures lives and the damage is often irreparable. As one 20-year-old offender put it: "If I was to stop committing crime I'd need a job, a place to live and settle down with a girl. "They also cited drugs and alcohol problems and family breakdown as barriers to reintegrating into society. But the prisoners complained they were given little help to gain qualifications and secure housing while in prison. The study called for the prison service to recognise the needs and vulnerability of young offenders.
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