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Mouth Dryness
MAKALE #14334 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Mart 2015 | 2,589 Okuyucu
One of the problems that occur in summer when the heat is unbearable is mouth dryness. In fact, if someone has an existing issue of mouth dryness it becomes even more severe in the summer. People always ignore the symptoms of a dry mouth, blaming the heat and then have to deal with issues like BAD BREATH, INFLAMMATIONS IN GUMS AND TEETH, A RAPID DECAY PROGRESSION afterwards, all byproducts of a dry mouth.
Your saliva is extremely necessary and protective for your mouth. In short, just like tears in our eyes, our saliva acts as a protective, slippery layer. It prevents food residues from sticking onto cheek tissues or teeth. The enzymes and proteins in your saliva break down your food and help you digest it. When the saliva level drops down to 50%, MOUTH DRYNESS occurs.

-For many pills, mouth dryness is listed as a side effect. Predominantly anti-depressants and anti-hystaminics, these medications are used against heart diseases, diabetes and blood pressure issues. To put it more simply, mouth dryness comes as a side effect with over 400 medications. In addition, a dry mouth is actually a symptom of diabetes or renal diseases.
-Under-active saliva glands also cause mouth dryness.
-Cancer treatments and radiotherapy causes mouth dryness as well, so extra precautions have to be taken in these periods.
-Madde bağımlılığı, zihinsel rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde kullanılan ilaçlar hep ağız kuruluğuna neden olur.
-Plus, narcotic addictions, medications used to treat mental diseases cause a dry mouth.
And unfortunately, 1 in 5 adults suffers from a dry mouth.
-A dry and a sticky sensation in your mouth,
-Denser, sticky and gel-like saliva,
-Difficulty in perceiving the tastes of what you consume,
-Constant thirst. The need to wake up in the middle of the night and drink some water,
-Dry, cracky, painful lips,
-Difficulty in eating grains or crackers, due to the lack of saliva,
-A general burning sensation in your mouth, as well as sensitivity toward sour and bitter foods,
-Difficulties in swallowing and speaking, regular dry coughs.
If you have a mouth dryness problem, you should visit your dentist and have your teeth checked, because with mouth dryness your existing tartars and tooth decays progress even faster. This issue may be voiced by patients as “ALTHOUGH I BRUSH REGULARLY, MY TEETH KEEP DECAYING, or MY TEETH KEEP STAINING AND TARTAR IS BUILDING UP.”
As especially the decays on the side surfaces of teeth will progress more easily, X-ray assessments should be done. For people with diabetes or those undergoing cancer treatments, these controls should be routine.
Brushing and oral maintenance is a daily task, but you should not ignore the side surfaces of your teeth.
You should regularly sip cold water.
You should sleep in a humid room. Cold steam machines may be used.
To increase saliva secretion, you should use cough drops or sugar-free chewing gums.
You should drink 1,5 liters of water daily.
You should avoid smoking and beverages that disrupt the structure of your saliva, such as tea (as it includes caffein).
You should not consume acidic beverages like oranges or grapefruits, as well as sodas, without anything else on the side.
You should avoid consuming too salty foods.
-We have discussed that it was quite hard to grind crackers with a dry mouth. It helps to eat them with a beverage on the side.
-Your oral tissues are vulnerable to sores when your mouth is dry. Hard foods may scrape your cheeks. In addition, the cheek tissue will heal slower. So, avoid consuming anything hard enough to scrape your cheeks or palate, like really hard cereal grains.
-Ensure that your vegetables are cooked thoroughly.
-Try to consume soft foods, instead of harder ones.
-Those with extreme mouth dryness may isolate their tongue and cheeks with olive oil. Especially for bedridden patients, olive oil rubbed into their cheeks and tongue will help them swallow easily. Foods may be softened with yoghurt, as well.
-Another issue to consider if you have a dry mouth is the choice of toothpastes. You should use those with softer formulae, less menthol but especially, those including fluoride. In addition to this kind of toothpastes, you should include mouthwashes and gels that protect saliva enzymes and proteins in your daily oral care routine.
Gels that support saliva create a long-lasting relief and mouthwashes that support saliva are helpers to use daily. When choosing a gel and a mouthwash, you should pick the ones that are alcohol-free and have natural ingredients.
Before ending my posy, it would be right for me to warn my followers not to ignore their regular visits to their dentists once again
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