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Ozone Applications İn Dentistry
MAKALE #14336 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Mart 2015 | 2,654 Okuyucu
The first thing that comes to our mind about ozone is the layer that protects Earth from the harmful rays that may cause skin cancer. Though, today, many fields make use of ozone. As it is extremely reliable, it is widely used:
-To sterilize water and mineral water in big cities,
-In air cleaning systems,
-In swimming pools,
-To store and clean fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken and fish,
-In the field of medicine, a use that is gaining popularity every day.
Ozone was first used in the field of medicine due to its healing ability. In 1900s, in the US and across European countries, many researches were conducted on ozone. When the advantages of its destructive effect on viruses, bacteria and fungi, dentists adopted it, as well.

-In treatments for tooth decay: There are many bacteria inside a person’s mouth. These bacteria cause tooth decay by settling into, or in between, teeth in addition to causing tartars by settling into gum pockets. It helps to know that tooth surfaces are not the only place to host bacteria, they are easily stuck to your tongue or cheeks. Although every person has areas that may easily become hosts of bacteria, there is a natural balance in between these bacteria. During the meals a person’s mouth sometimes becomes acidic and saliva neutralizes it. The microorganisms on a person’s teeth initiate their decaying sequence in the acidic environment and colonize in the ruffles they create on the teeth. The 450 different types of bacteria inside the ruffles form a mixed community. Brushing teeth does not cover the inner parts of these ruffles and the decaying process continues, gaining pace. Bacteria spread into teeth by drilling little holes or tunnels, depending on their size.
There are many researches aiming to strengthen tooth enamel structures. Fluoring and fissure sealants made it possible to achieve this. Though, these treatments are not sufficient for decaying activities that have progressed into the enamel. Ozone treatments have emerged to combat the microorganism infestations in such decays. In fact, the destructive effect of ozone on bacteria is pretty effective against newly-formed decays. These decays may also be treated by preventing the colonization of microorganism and stopping the progression of tooth decays, then relying on ruffle protectors.
-In treating gum inflammations: There are tiny pockets at areas where the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth connect to the teeth. These pockets contact both the roots of teeth and the oral surface. Gum pockets are suitable spots into which bacteria settle and colonize. The sticky slimes that ate created by the food residues mixing with saliva, called tartars, are really attractive sources of nutrition for microorganisms. The activities of microorganisms and the lack of good oral hygiene cause tartars. The increasing size of tartars make gum pockets extend toward bones and this affect the bone tissue around these teeth. This gum disease is called periodontitis. Treating periodontitis starts with cleaning the tartars at the affected zone. Ozone is used to stop the activity of microorganisms on the gum tissue. The healing and anti-bacterial nature of ozone is extremely efficient in gum pocket tissues.
Ozone also has a healing effect on the sensitivity that emerges after the treatment of gum inflammations where there is an extreme tartar build-up.
-In healing the wounds of implants, periodontal, jaw surgeries: We have discussed how ozone has a healing effect. Implant treatments are one of the most routine treatments in our century. As the popularity of implant treatments increases, the demand to experience minimum amounts of pain and edema rises, as well. By using ozone, dentists are able to meet these demands.
-Treating cracked tooth syndrome: It is a common problem today. The sensitivity after meals when there are no other problems is especially disturbing. Fluor gel and ozone may be used to treat this.
-Treating white demineralized spots after removing the brackets at the end of an orthodontic treatment.
-Treating aphtas and cold sores.
-Disinfecting root canals during root canal treatments.
-Healing prosthetic bumps, or fungal infections caused by prosthetics.
-Treating dental abcesses.
-Healing wounds after tooth removal.
-Increasing the effectiveness of the whitening gel in dental bleaching treatments.
1- Dr Julian Holmes; Ozone dental revolution quintesence 2004
2- http://www.the-o-zone.com.
3- Dr Julian Holmes: Clinical revarsal of Primary Occlusal Fissure Carious Lesions using ozone in general practice 2002
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