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Patient Expectations İn Cosmetic Dentistry
MAKALE #14337 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Mart 2015 | 2,388 Okuyucu
Not always do patients have cosmetic concerns when they refer to our clinic. These patients are amazed to learn that the stains on their teeth that cause others to ask why they are never brushing their teeth are not caused by smoking, but instead, caused by antibiotics taken during childhood; as much as they are amazed to learn that there is a fix for that.
Though, when they refer to us with a specific dental design in mind, one that would never fit their face, an issue between us and them becomes inevitable.
There are many advantages of a fancy smile. Every person has teeth criteria that fit their facial structure. So, what should be done?

Do you usually keep your lips together while having your photo taken?
Do you believe that your teeth are rather yellowish?
Do you have spaced or crooked teeth?
Are there stains on your teeth that do not go away even when you brush your teeth?
Do your gums show way too much when you smile?
Are your teeth not visible at all while you are speaking?
Are there breakages at the tips of your teeth?
If you answer YES to these questions, cosmetic dentistry might be your thing.
What are the limitations of our expectations and wishes?
What are the features that you would never want your teeth to have? This is an important subject. Sometimes, there are some features that you have seen on someone else’s teeth, but wouldn’t wish upon yours. For example, you may not want your lower teeth to show as you speak, or may have hated the outward appearance of the tips of your teeth for years. You would not want these features to be on your new teeth. Keep in mind that you should have a detailed discussion with your dentist on how you want your new teeth to be.
You should also remember that constructing teeth requires teamwork. This team consists of YOU, YOUR DENTISTS and DENTAL TECHNICIANS. As a patient, you are an indispensable part of this team. This is why although telling your doctor to do your teeth however they please may be flattering, your dentist will have to undertake all the burden of your new teeth. Hence, you should clearly explain your demands and expectations. Then, you should decide whether they are appropriate, with your dentist.
If there are photos from when they had teeth of patients who now do not have teeth, these photos should make an excellent guide. In that case, if you tell your dentist what you liked and did not like about your teeth on those old photos, your dentist may be able to shape your teeth based on your demands.
COMPUTERS are indispensable when it comes to examination. By transferring the images of a person from a digital camera to a computer rapidly, dentists are able to make controls and plans accordingly. In addition, such programs allow them to see how whiter teeth or bigger teeth would look like on a particular face. Although the results are not entirely accurate, this method helps to create a general idea. The only drawback of this method is that the image is two-dimensional and may create confusion.
The safest method in this context is applying a temporary version of the smile in question directly onto the teeth and taking photos. In this quite advantageous method, the teeth that fit a patient’s face are processed directly, with a form of filling material, called composite. Composite, by nature, is almost indifferentiable from actual teeth. Composite, in the consistent of candle wax, is placed onto the teeth and processed, then hardened using a device creating rays. The hardened composite gives your dentist an exact idea about how the finalized new teeth would look like. The patient, too, gets an accurate idea about how they will look like. As the temporary new smile may stay on for a day or two, the patient may show their future teeth to their family and friends and get an idea. Besides, all changes may be made on these permanent teeth, so this method may be considered as a thorough trial.
When a decision is finalized, the temporary teeth are measured and forwarded to the technician. This three-dimensional guide is extremely helpful for technicians, as well. Sometimes, the patient may demand to have their actual teeth shortened. Then, we rely on markers. By painting the tips of teeth with markers, we provide them with temporarily shorter teeth. By taking photos, we compare the before shots to the after shots.
Every method that we have discussed above are the ones that are generally used in cosmetic dentistry. The number of the methods may be increased. Apart from these methods, a patient’s personality plays a role in their expectations.
Some people are self-guided, they take their own decisions; while some are guided from the outside, they make their decisions, but require others’ approval. A patient of the latter type feels the need of bringing along another person in whose opinions they trust. They leave the clinic happily, but may come back in tears on the following days. This is why they need to show their future teeth beforehand, to the people whose opinions they may need to know.
Likewise, some people are open to changes. Changes make them happy. Some are traditional, and they like what they are used to. Hence, if a patient with crooked teeth is traditional, just bleaching or solving their issues at the bases of their teeth may be enough. Cutting their teeth and replacing them with straight porcelain teeth when the patient is a traditional with crooked teeth causes a conflict between them and their dentists.
Whatever your expectations may be, you have to inform your doctor about them. This issue is extremely important in cosmetic dentistry. Your brain checks if the Sun is up in the sky and the ground is down at our feet, without your knowledge, every day when you get up. You realize the checks when these situations change, such as earthquakes. This is why earthquakes shock you. You believe that the ground could never shake. Every inch of change in your first mechanism of perceiving the world, your mouth, due to a change in our teeth is an example of such a change, which is why it is important to have your teeth done the way you want them to be. The issues in getting used to the new teeth throughout the breaking-in period will be diminished if you have teeth that you like. So, you should determine the extents and the limitations of your expectations in collaboration with your dentist. SMILE WELL.
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