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Reflecting Toothache
MAKALE #14341 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Mart 2015 | 2,617 Okuyucu
Unlike common knowledge, this issue is frequently encountered by patients and dentists. We should suspect a reflecting toothache in the case of a dental pain where the patient fails to show a particular teeth as its cause, thus confusing their dentist, or a pain the source of which may be rather puzzling to find.
What is a Reflecting Toothache?
It occurs when the spot where a patient feels pain is not the actual source of pain. Sometimes, a patient visits us with some pain at their lower teeth, when the cause is a decay on one of their upper teeth. Sometimes, an embedded wisdom tooth is the cause of pain in the ears. The patient wonders what causes them this confusion, rendering them unable to find the source of their pain. Though, they should realize that it is beyond their control. This confusion occurs due to the complex structure of the network of veins and nerves on their face. Let us discuss the complexity of this structure.
Just imagine the nervous network as power cables, nerves transmit stimulants to the brain via these cables. If the stimulant is a cold or a hot food, and if your nerves are capable to transmit such stimulants, your nerves transmit the information they receive, to your brain. And in the case of the nerves belonging to your lower teeth being connected to the same power source as those belonging to your upper teeth, a confusion is due when there is pain. Your facial nerves extend to little pools in your brain, pools that are quite close together. This is the reason why you may feel reflecting pain.
The kind of reflecting pain that we mostly encounter is the pain due to sinusitis reflecting onto the upper teeth, due to the proximity of sinuses to the upper molar teeth. The pain usually starts, following a serious case of flu. Then, it reaches a level that patients describe as “It’s as if my upper teeth are going to come off”, in addition to there being some pain when they rattle their teeth. In this case, it is easy to suspect sinusitis when their teeth at the painful regions are healthy. Though, when there is a decayed tooth along with a case of sinusitis, the patient visits us with a determination that their “bad teeth” are causing the pain. We are able to diagnose these via x-rays. Yet, sometimes, we may need different means of analysis.
Embedded (and sometimes, semi-embedded) wisdom teeth may also cause a reflecting toothache.
Your lower wisdom teeth reflect their pain on your ears. Sometimes, you consider this pain as merely an ear ache. If there is an ear ache that cannot be traced back even after an ear examination, embedded wisdom teeth should be the cause to consider the next. Lower wisdom teeth may also reflect their pain onto central incisors.
Embedded, or semi-embedded, upper wisdom teeth may cause headaches.
Factors like one-sided chewing or grinding teeth cause problems in jaw joints. Issues in jaw joints cause ear aches, and even ringing ears.
Another tooth that may be embedded is the canine tooth. Embedded canine teeth reflect onto the areas below eyes and cheekbones.
Embedded teeth are able to push and melt the tissues around them to make room for themselves in our mouths. If an embedded tooth is against a healthy one, the healthy tooth will be damaged, then causing pain. When there is no visible tooth decay, a person may feel pain when consuming hot or cold foods or beverages. Especially the pain when the lower wisdom tooth pushes against large molar teeth before them causes severe sensitivity. This sensitivity is explained by patients to extend all the way to the central incisors when consuming hot or cold foods or beverages. If there is no tooth decay on the painful tooth, the person does not suspect that tooth and blame a black spot, or an old filling, on some other tooth. This situation is quite complex. When the source is actually a problematic tooth, another tooth that appears problematic is blamed to be the cause of a toothache. Though, the improved x-ray techniques help us greatly, to determine the real cause behind a particular pain.
Staying strong and providing detailed information to your dentist is of utmost importance when such a toothache is in question. A toothache is really unbearable. Take care.
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