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Tooth-Friendly Foods
MAKALE #14346 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Mart 2015 | 2,556 Okuyucu
It is widely known that some foods cause tooth decay. These foods include carbohydrates.
* Any candy,
* Sodas, any sugary beverage, including tea,
* Cakes, cookies, gelatin desserts, ice-cream etc. are in this group.
I am sure that everyone has some form of information on this topic.

Today, when an awareness to eat health is gaining popularity day by day, this issue is still not very clear.
As they are rich in calcium, milk and dairy products strengthen the main structure of your teeth; though there is an ingredient in cheese that gives tooth decay a really hard time.
Casein is the name of a group of proteins that are dominant in milk. Casein is found in any animal milk, including human milk. CASEIN that is found in cheese is preventive against tooth decay.
Snacking on cheese, having a grilled cheese sandwich as a side for a can of soda, or a glass of orange juice, may greatly benefit you.
In many cultures, dessert is served after meals. This culture is harmful if people do not brush their teeth afterwards. Though, in some families bread and cheese is served after meals, which is beneficial for teeth.
A sugar named XYLITOL that prevents tooth decay has emerged from years of work. As it imitates real sugar closely, it is accepted into the cells of bacterias; but being unable to proceed with the metabolic procedures and nearing death, the bacterias try to eliminate it unsuccessfully, dying in the action.
This new sugar tastes quite like regular sugar. When gum producers realized this, they used XYLITOL in gums. Chewing these gums in between meals reduces tooth decay. If you see a Tooth-Friendly emblem on a pack of gum, know that XYLITOL is in it.
When the inside of your mouth is acidic, your teeth decay. The potassium in your saliva plays a role in blocking such an acidic medium. In a way, potassium neutralizes the acidic medium. For people with adequate levels of potassium in their saliva, the rate of tooth decay is found to be low. This is why we need to consume potassium-rich foods. Nuts are especially good on this aspect. Besides, the oil in nuts create a slippery layer on your teeth, keeping food residues from sticking onto them. Peanuts are the richest nuts in potassium. Convenient and economical, peanuts may even be consumed in between meals. Peanuts are beneficial foods that may be stacked into the pockets of your feared children.
As it is good for everything else, pure water diminishes the occurrence of tooth decay. Although the water in teas and whatnot may be beneficial, we require the consumption of 2 liters of pure water per day. WATER;
- Wets saliva and helps keep your teeth clean,
- Increases the quality of saliva with its mineral content,
- Rinsing with water when you cannot brush your teeth is also a protective measure.
Once known as “dişotu” (dental weed) by the Anatolians, sage is widely available in Anatolia. It is consumed as a tea, or as a spice in meaty dishes. It may easily be used as mouthwash due to its antibacterial structure, especially against the inflammation of teeth or gums. Drinking sage tea without sugar is also beneficial for your health.
As they are anti-decay foods, they really do not cause tooth decay. In fact, nuts are considered as legumes. When you are unable to brush your teeth, consuming legumes do not cause decay, however, as they stick onto your teeth and become hosts of microorganisms, they may cause problems with teeth or gums.
Please do not take this article as a justification for the mindset that “consuming all these, as well as snacking on chewing gum and cheese means no tooth decay in the future.” You may never prevent tooth decay completely without maintenance. You should definitely brush your teeth before you go to bed every night, and after having breakfast every morning. Though, the preventive measures like chewing gums play a role when you are clearly unable to brush your teeth.
You will help create a healthier society if you share the information in my article that I wrote to create an awareness regarding the habits of preferring grilled cheese sandwiches or offering your children bread slices on which cheese, instead of chocolate, is spread.
Take care.
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