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Perceived School Support İn Inclusive Education
MAKALE #17530 © Yazan Uzm.Yıldıray KILIÇ | Yayın Kasım 2016 | 1,969 Okuyucu
The aim of this study is to adapt Perceived School Support Scale in In-
clusive Education (Ahmmed, 2013) to Turkish. In the scope of the research, adapted
scale was applied to 221 teachers. In confirmatory factor analysis, it is observed that
one dimensional model which consists of eight items adapted well. In order to
examine the psychometric properties of the scale, internal consistency, item and
factor analysis were conducted. Internal consistency analysis results of the scale is
.85 were found, it was seen that the required rate was achieved with reliability by
analyzes. Original single factor structure of PSSSIE (Perceived School Support
Scale in İnclusive Education) was determined to comply with Turkish sample in
accordance with the results from item distinctiveness and confirmatory factor analy-
sis (x²= 97.57, sd= 20, RMSEA= .133, NFI=.92, NNFI= .91, CFI = .93,
IFI=.93,SRMR=066, GFI= .90).In this condition, for the Turkish sample group of
the scale is expected to be applied to determine “Perceived School Support in İnclu-
sive Education” levels of teachers in education process.
Keywords: Inclusive education, validity, reliability


Bu araştırmanın amacı Kaynaştırma Eğitiminde Algılanan Okul Desteği
Ölçeğini (KEAODÖ) (Ahmmed, 2013) Türkçe ’ye uyarlamaktır. Araştırma
kapsamında uyarlanan ölçek 221 öğretmene uygulanmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör ana-
lizinde 8 maddeden oluşan tek boyutlu modelin iyi uyum verdiği gözlemlenmiştir.
Ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerini inceleyebilmek amacıyla iç tutarlılık, madde ve
faktör analizi çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Ölçeğin iç tutarlılık analizleri sonucu .85
bulunulmuş olup, yapılan analiz ile güvenirlik için gerekli olan orana ulaşıldığı
görülmüştür. KEAODÖ'nin orijinal tek faktörlü yapısının, madde ayırt ediciliği ve
doğrulayıcı faktör analizinden alınan sonuçlar doğrultusunda Türk örneklemine uy-
gunluğu belirlenmiştir. (x2= 97.57, sd= 20, RMSEA= .133, NFI=.92, NNFI= .91,
CFI = .93, IFI=.93,SRMR=066, GFI= .90). Bu durumda ölçeğin Türk örneklem
grubu için eğitim sürecinde öğretmenlerin "Kaynaştırma Eğitiminde Algılanan Okul
Desteği" düzeylerinin belirlenmesi için uygulanabileceği düşünülmektedir.

Discussion and Result

With this study, it was aimed to adapt Perceived School
Support Scale in Inclusive Education (PSSSIE) developed by Masud
Ahmmed to Turkish and evaluate validity and reliability of Turkish
form. The number of the study group meets the required number in the
analysis of the validity and reliability (Tabachnick & Fidell,
2007).PSSSIE’s construct validity was examined with Confirmatory
Factor Analysis. As a result of CFA, the scale of original form and
construct validity of the scale provided were seen. For CFA, when fit
index values are considered, it can be stated that model made good fit
and original factor structure of the scale conform with Turkish form
factor structure. PSSSIE’s reliability coefficients being up to the mark
shows to meet standards with reliability level of the scale. To use
measurement instruments in researches, it must have the required relability level .70 (Sipahi, Yurtkoru, & Çinko, 2008). According to this
result, PSSSIE showed above its degree of reliability. Besides, when
table of item total correlation was examined, it was seen that all items
taking place in the scale exceeded standard .30.About the receiving
support for teachers who were tutoring in inclusive education was dis-
cussed in a single dimension. Associating each item in the scale with
each other and being consistent are very important to measure Percei-
ved School Support in Inclusive Education (PSSSIE). When findings
obtained from PSSSIE were seen and were examined in terms of vali-
dity and reliability studies, there is no harm in using the scale. As a
result of the study, it includes teachers who work at primary, secon-
dary school and having inclusive students. But items in the scale ap-
peal to teachers who works at different type of schools and having inc-
lusive students, also it can be said that this scale can be applied on
these groups. Preserving the original form of the scale is applied con-
firmatory factor analysis (CFA) through the lens, compared with the
original form of the validity and reliability values were observed quite
close to each other. The comprehensiveness of relevant items in the
scale about the support taken by teacher who tutor inclusive education
and the application of the scale on teachers who work at different ty-
pes of schools are crucial to reach wider audience. Reliable and valid
results obtained in determining the support received by teachers for-
ming participants of the study, scale necessitates the use of this form.
Besides, in the light of findings it is possible to say that the scale is
ready to use on different population and samples. But in the research,
to expand the type of school makes study more extensive and it can
both lead and contribute to the further studies in this field. With this
study, it can satisfy the needs of schools, districts, region and our co-
untry in application of inclusive education and can recommend solu-
tion offers. The result of research findings obtained in this study may
provide some suggestions for the contributions to other research be
more beneficial: The research has shown that school support in inclu-
sive education applications is crucial. When the results are analyzed,
it is noticed that teachers who tutor inclusive education needs more
support. Special education requires knowledge and experience. Senior
staff planning in service training and informational conferences
towards all teachers involved in inclusive education, parents, school
administration and other staffs and also nominating experts in this fiield are quite important. When mainstreaming is not given the neces-
sary support and not creating the necessary environment for education,
mainstreaming cannot go more than a name. In this case, inclusive
student who is labelled as “mentally retarded” is affected adversely
the most.
The study is valuable for the reason that there isn’t a rese-
arch assessing school support in inclusive education. .Therefore, the
support received by teachers will affect positively in terms of the qua-
lity of inclusive education.


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