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The Behavioral Approach To Abnormality
MAKALE #17632 © Yazan Psk.Burçin KOYUNCU | Yayın Aralık 2016 | 2,067 Okuyucu
Abnormality can be defined as deviation from the norm. Within the realm of clinical psychology abnormality is often associated with mental health issues. The study of mental health has been investigated for many years, starting from around the Middle Ages right up to contemporary psychology. Over the course of this time a number of explanations have been suggested as the cause of mental health problems. One of these approaches is named the behavioral approach and was created by Skinner in the 1950’s. This essay will explore the behavioral approach to abnormality.

There are a number of learning principles within behaviorism based on re-inforcement and punishment. One of these principles is that of classical conditioning and was discovered by Ivan Pavlov. Classical conditioning suggests that learning is done through association. Specifically, Pavlov discovered that a neutral stimulus could acquire the functions of a conditioned stimulus. With regards to clinical psychology classical conditioning can be used to explain a number of disorders. For example, classical conditioning explains the development of phobias in the following ways; imagine someone is walking across a bridge (neutral stimulus) and then they fall off the bridge. Subsequently the person might avoid bridges because the previously neutral stimulus has picked up aversive functions. Although classical conditioning can be used to explain the development of many disorders, another principle of learning also can contribute in this area; this principle is called operant conditioning.

Operant conditioning is based on the principles of reward and punishment. Skinner (1950) conducted research with rats and pigeons and suggested that people are more likely to repeat behavior that is rewarded, and to stop behavior that is punished. This principle forms the basis for many clinical disorders. For example, when someone is addicted, the drug has reinforcing effects because it makes the person feel good, therefore they are likely to repeat the behavior in the future. Not only can behavior be learned by direct experience, but also through modeling and observational learning. Bandura (1978) proposed his social learning theory to account for observational learning. This theory broadly suggested that people can learn by watching others. With regards to clinical psychology social learning theory would suggest that psychological disorders can be learned from observation only. For example, a child may learn a fear of dogs from observing another child being bitten by a dog.

Behavioral theory has an important place in the realm of psychotherapy because it has developed behavior therapy to treat those with mental health issues. Behavior therapy aims to increase desirable behavior and reduce maladaptive and abnormal behavior. It does this using a number of techniques such as: systematic desensitization, exposure. Behavioral theory and therapy has accumulated a vast amount for research over the past 50 years (Bennett, 2010) making it one of the most popular approaches in psychology. However, it has also been criticized for several shortcomings i. e. it cannot account for the development of schizophrenia and most of the research conducted in this ear was done in a lab, where the generalization of the results to the outside world can be brought into question.

Additionally, over the past few decades a number of other approaches and therapies have been developed. These approaches provide more comprehensive explanations of human behavior. Cognitive theory suggests that our behavior is shaped by our thoughts and beliefs. Clinical disorders can be explained by maladaptive thoughts and beliefs. Cognitive therapy has been developed to address these issues. Other approaches include psychodynamic theory and humanistic theory. Each of these approaches has been shown to be useful in various areas (Bennett, 2010)

All in all, each theory and therapy has built up a valuable research base in contemporary psychology. For this reason a number of these approaches are combined to create therapies such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This therapy is currently the most popular therapy in the world and has gained a large evidence base. Without the advances made by behavioral theory and therapy such techniques, which are having a positive effect on many lives, could not have been developed. Therefore, the importance of behavioral theory and theory cannot be underestimated.
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