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Alıce In Wonderland, Our Perceptions And A New Approach To Therapy: Call-Back Therapy
MAKALE #18595 © Yazan Psk.Dnş.Aysel KESKİN | Yayın Temmuz 2017 | 2,887 Okuyucu
Our Perceptions and A New Approach to Therapy: CALL-BACK THERAPY

What is the basis for all psychological problems ?
How do our mind works ?
Is it possibble to heal mind ?

The Fall of Alice from the Rabbit Hole, Our Perceptions and Our Line of Time

Downward, lower, further down…

On a spring day, Alice, never seen a rabbit wears waistcoat and carries a watch, jumps into the rabbit hole and follows it and finds herself in a whole new world. In this strange world of no laws of physics valid, Alice, grows and shrinks, attends unexpected tea parties and games, finds herself in undreamt adventures. Time concept is a lot different from we know in this new world.

Here like in this world Alice fell into, laws of our minds are completely different from physical world. As our brains response in cellular level, it occurs in an inconceivable speed for our minds to interpret and record stimulus comes from the outer world. Therefore, deciding is unbelievably rapid for us to behave in anyway.

Our decisions in life and behaviours determine our all past and future experiences. If we think of our whole life as a number line in mathematics, the zero point represents the present time, the dots to the left of the zero represent the past, and the dots to the right represent our future. This number line is called the "timeline". All the experiences we have through our lives are added to our timeline. So what determines our behaviors that cause experiences in our timeline? In other words, what is underneath human behavior?

The Basic Aim and Principle of Life

The only way to give the answer to the question "What is underneath human behavior?" is to answer the following question:

What is the purpose of life?

Here, the basic dynamics that determine all the behaviors of human lies in the answer to this question. And the answer to this problem is given by the brain imaging studies in today's technology:

The purpose of life is to survive.

According to recent inventions in physics, life, time, space and energy begin from a single source and they act as if they were ordered to a target at an almost infinite distance. So they were just told what to do: Stay alive!
We can not explain any of our behaviors without the impulse of "stay alive!" This is the only dynamic that underlies all our behaviors and reactions. And anything that will threaten one's survival leads to spiritual and psychosomatic problems.

Source of All Mental Problems

Our mind is far more outstanding than any computer that could ever be designed or designed. If we are experiencing mental problems, it does not mean that this wonderful computer works wrong. These problems mean that the data we perceive are incomplete or incorrect, and that we are not in compliance with the operating principles of the computer. In the same way, our mind will inevitably give an "error" when we want it to solve the problems filled with contradictions.

All mental problems are a deviation from reason. A person can not act rationally when he is over stressed, anxious or very moody. Irrationality is the inability to reach the right conclusion with the data at hand. Our mind, however, is programmed to make no mistake, in no way. Our unreasonable fears, our overreaction, our skepticism and our low mental status are all about the falsehood of our data.

Due to mental problems, any of our perceptions may be blocked. While there is no organic problem in our visual organ, it may happen that we can not perceive the color of the object. Intense sorrow and pessimism can blur our vision or hinder distance vision. The people who have higher levels of anxiety can be over-disturbed by loud noise. It is a known fact that the depressed people have distorted thoughts about life.

These differences in perceptions stem from the blocking of communication between the senses and mind of the person.

Here is the hidden source of this hindrance, a sub-mind entirely composed of its own records.

"Automatic Mind" and "Problem-Solving Mind”

The sub-mind is the unconscious part of the mind and is called the "automatic mind". It automatically records everything that happens all around completely and uses those records to influence our behavior. It does not think, can not remember, only chooses the recordings and with these chosen recordings it influences the conscious part of the mind, without the knowledge and consent of the person. Such automatic reactions sometimes lead to very unreasonable behaviors, psychological and psychosomatic diseases.

The automatic mind process on emotions, especially those involving physical and mental pain. Parsing the thoughts does not have the ability to analyze, it only reacts to the effect. It keeps its records in the form of coercive forces that can only act at any moment, not as memories or experiences. The records of the automatic mind are called "sorrow files". The data in the sorrow files are like a gramophone needle that leaves a mark on the same record. During this process, everything that happens in the environment where the sorrow occurs is recorded completely.

On the other hand, the conscious mind is called the "problem solving mind". It encompasses individual awareness, computation skills and memory files. The slot where the problem-solving mind records the memories is called "standard memory files". In standard memory files, all data is stored exactly in motion with colors, sounds, tactile sensations and smells. All the data we perceive is kept in our memory files much more colorful and lively than we remember.

If we think of our timeline as the whole data that we have recorded throughout our lives, we see that there are some gaps on this line. When we encounter sorrow, shock or traumatizing events, the automatic mind switches on and everything happens at that moments is recorded on the sorrow files. Here these moments of gap have been completely sent to the sorrow files. So the gaps in our timeline are the sorrow files.

A New Approach to Therapy: CALL-BACK THERAPY

We have another recall function that we are not aware of. This function is called "call-back". With call-back, we can return to any period of our life without any effect of medication or hypnosis. This process is done by the method called "visualisation". The therapist directs the client's attention to the client himself or herself in person and begins to take the client to various periods of his or her life, saying "go there". It's more than reminiscence, it is recalling the event as much as possible and resurrecting it at the time being.
The call-back process is "exact recall". Exact recall allows the organs to feel the stimulation of a past event again. It includes motion pictures and other sensory perceptions recorded at the time of the event. The person can also return to his or her decisions and beliefs in the past. Optimum call-back occurs when one or more of his or her perceptions returns, while the individual is present at the time being.

The whole therapy is more than a recall or binding process, it is almost a time travel. The goal of therapy is to understand the source of our behaviors and regain our potential when we travel safely in our mind.


The Call-Back Therapy is a therapy technique that is fully consistent with natural functioning of the brain and mind, is based on scientific evidence and is very much systematic to practice.

The purpose of the therapy process is interpreting the periods when the automatic mind is active, adding them to the timeline where they belong to. Thus, consecutive records of the whole life span are reached. The person who remembers the records of his or her whole life in a meaningful way also gets rid of his or her fears, anxieties and psychological problems, regains all his or her power of will and reveals his or her hidden talents that he or she has not discovered in himself or herself until that time yet.

We do not have to keep or suffer these secret sorrow, which hinder our health, our performance, our happiness and our potential for survival. Our mental and body health are of paramount importance. Stay with health and love.

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