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Treatments With Out Cutting Teeth, Minimal Invasive Techniques
MAKALE #20243 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Ocak 2019 | 1,577 Okuyucu
Minimal invasive techniques are started to use in more treatment methods day by day. Minimal invasive techniques are applicable in esthetic dentistry, cavity treatments and even missing teeth treatments.

Even veneers and porcelain veneers are solutions for eliminate esthetical defects; any cutting or rasping on the enamel layer can be frightening for the patients. Also, even porcelain protects its esthetic look for longs years and it is so enduring; “COMPOSITE” material develops day by day, its durability increases, it can stick on the tooth without cutting and patients share their gratitude on social media. Those points make treatment prevalent called “COMPOSITE LAMINATE” or “BONDING”.

Moreover, being able to complete those treatments in couple hours, make them more attractive in the modern days for who does not have time to wait.

Some patients may not be ready for long treatment process. Some of them venture spending long time for the treatment but they don’t want to any cutting on their teeth. They both want to use their original teeth and change the esthetical view of their teeth and use them for long years.

That’s why; orthodontic treatments became important supporter of minimal invasive techniques in dentistry. We started to use porcelain brackets (plaques without braces instead of invisible braces) in orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatment can fix the crowding for adults for sure. However, than this problem occurs; after teeth became straight, other problems like fractures, broken parts start to attract more attention.

The thing direct dental technology to treatments without touching the enamel is will of keeping teeth inside of the mouth lifelong. That is, receiving age without getting old. So, now teeth are as lifelong organs and people think they should be.

As people get old, they have to get restorative treatments to protect their teeth’s esthetical view. Dental esthetic is gaining more power in almost all countries, among people who have specific socio-economic level. When people’s esthetical realization and expectation increasing, thinking about if they can adapted to treatment and if they will get used to change after treatment create a big anxiety for the patient. Even if we have digital techniques, which show them how their teeth will look like after the treatment to the patient, minimal invasive techniques are so safe to understand the effect of treatment on the face and starting esthetical treatment slowly like you are going in the sea starting from your feet and getting used to before go in with your whole body.

It is known and understood now that, change in the gum tissue around teeth can cause cavities in time even if porcelain laminates are so durable and made for lifelong use. So, even hard tissue of the tooth protects its continuity, change on the soft tissue effects hard tissue.

Also, setting standards in dental treatments was possible in the past. The reason is people were not aware of individual treatment so much. But now, they can see themselves on the cellphone camera from all angles and have ideas about their own face and smile. That’s why they started to want specific thing according to those ideas. Sometimes those wishes have no limit. Minimal invasive techniques are sufficient enough to present personal treatments to us. That’s why; minimal invasive techniques give us a safe path for personal treatments.

Scientific researches, new technologies, new materials help minimal invasive approach for treatment of cavities too.

Especially for white lesions (beginning of the cavity which can turn into cavity easily) occurred after orthodontic treatment, it presents treatments, which strengthen enamel without touching its structure. Besides mouth cameras and instruments, which detect the cavity, 3D scanners are also so beneficial to retaining cavities. After scanning both patient and the doctor can see the mouth clearly, this is also increase the trust.

In order to apply those techniques easily,

Information, skills and academic structure
Usage of technologic devices and materials
Of the doctor
Willing and consciousness of the patient
Are so important.

Minimal Invasive techniques are not only applicable only for hard tissue in esthetical treatments. Little interventions on the gum to fix local gingivitis, which cause an unwanted view and make it healthy is also a subject of esthetical dentistry.

Also when one gum line is shorter than other, this can also be treated by a little operation and give us a beautiful form in the mouth.

All those treatments (both for gum and teeth) the doctor has to apply artistic skills. In the modern days, more and more people are demanding these kinds of treatments. People want more beautiful teeth and smile and they avoid long periods of treatment, which cost them a lot. Also they don’t want to give up their daily life comfort. That’s why minimal invasive approach becomes a must in dentistry just like other branches of medicine.

Güzin Kırsaçlıoğlu
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