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Treatment Of Fluorosis Which Causes Yellow And Brown Stain On Teeth By Porcelain And Composite Laminates
MAKALE #20352 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Şubat 2019 | 1,803 Okuyucu
Fluor amount in drinking water normally can be 1,5 mg/L. Existence of the Fluor in drinking water and consuming is healthy; however in some countries and regions when people are consuming the water directly from its source, if the Fluor amount more than 1,3 mg/L, it causes yellow and brown stains and we call it FLUOROSIS.

Esthetic look has so much importance in today’s world in all cultures, especially when everyone has their own media channels by active social media usage. Enamel look of people who has Fluorosis can give an impression like if they are consuming too much cigarettes, tea or coffee. This kind of patients suffers from critics by others like “Are you smoking a lot” or “Don’t you brush your teeth”. That’s why smiling can be troubled in such cases.

Simple or little colorings can be solved by bleaching process in dentistry with improved technologies. However for Fluorosis, when coloring is a lot and form of teeth is also in bad condition, laminates are more convenient.

Sometimes teeth should be cut like between 0,5-1 mm for laminate treatment. It depends on how Fluorosis is intense. Also sometimes the enamel can be rasped in order to remove stains from teeth completely.

Especially for composite laminates, specifically on Fluorosis area, rasping is necessary. After that by putting a new color layer, which will cover the color under it, we put on the top transparent layer that our patient is missing for years. Brightness of transparent layer gives an unbelievably positive effect to the face.

For porcelain laminates, according to changes will be done on teeth, 0,5-1 mm reformation is required on the surface. After that, the dentist glues porcelain laminates which are done by technician according to chosen color unit on teeth.

The most important subject here is mock-up step. We must do a mock-up (demo) to show our patients how their teeth will look like for preventing surprises after head. Mock-up procedure can be done on existing surface before treatment or after cutting procedure if treatment is porcelain laminates, because after cutting procedure patient can see color of teeth more clearly. When the are with fluorosis removed from teeth during cutting procedure, new look will be more certain for temporary teeth which will be done during porcelain laminate treatment. This step is the best time to decide, because sometimes people can worry about their new teeth will seem fake and they prefer less white color with this concern. This situation can cause regrets later; they may wish whiter teeth after head and they can say “I WISH IT WAS WHITER”. Our aim is always should be creating smiles, which will please them and they can use for long years. That’s why all decisions should be made during the mock-up and temporary teeth process and than we can pass to porcelain laminate step; because after technician produced teeth, there shouldn’t be more changes anymore. When porcelain laminates are producing, 5 different layer of porcelain color are put on the surface.

Those layers add naturalness to porcelain laminates. That’s why those layers should be put according to last position of produced teeth and it shouldn’t be changed so much. Both porcelain and composite laminates keep their esthetical look for years after placing on the teeth surface. The most important point to be careful about is regular check ups and dental care by patient. Interface cleaning is extremely important for laminates. It should be different from our own natural teeth cleaning. Your dentist will inform you about laminate cleaning, which you will do by yourself. You can also use mouth shower in addition to interface cleaning.


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