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The 'food Addiction' Concept.A Contributer To Overeating And Obesity.
YAZI #6047 © Yazan Uzm.Psk.Esra YAVUZ | Yayın Kasım 2019
The World Health Organization (WHO) classify obesity as a crucial public health hazard which is seen all over the world. According to statistical results, obesity is ranked at the second place for Universal reasons of deaths (Gearhardt,William,Corbin et al,2009; Dimitrijevic,et al 2015).

In order to cure this health problem, obesity needs an interdisciplinary treatment which involves professionals in mental health, medicine and surgery (Dimitrijevic,Popovic,Sabljak et al,2015). Although professionals view obesity mainly from a medical perspective and link it with genetic susceptibility, dysfunction in the endocrine-metabolic systems, psychic effects and external factors, they must take other aspects into account as well (Dimitrijevic, et al 2015). Therefore, research tried to investigate other potential contributors for obesity in this case some type of food that is addictive (Dimitrijevic, et al 2015). In the following I´m going to assess the idea of food addiction as a contributor to obesity and overeating.

In the study of Ziauddeen and colleagues they described how the food addiction model has been adopted to overeating and obesity. They have made a review about the five principal lines of study that are typically selected to support this fusion. Principally the idea is that food addiction which highly be alike drug addiction and shows equal behavioural and neural processes leading to obesity (Ziauddeen et al, 2012). This belief influences the study of obesity in an enormous way and has provoked compelling, in spite of abortive debates for the acceptance of obesity or overeating as a classification in DSM-V. There has been discussion about the significance of evidence for phenotypic commonality among overeating and addiction and query about if this kind of Model can engender real goal for decision-makers (Ziauddeen et al,2012). One field which has not examined in detail is the human neuroscience. This field gives support for the addiction model and provides a penetrative structure for design and implications in human research about overeating. Even though this model has a significance in the study about addiction it has been supplemented and partly replaced by strongly neurobiological models which break down the clinical syndrome into conditions of its main mental process and their potential “neural substrates” (Ziauddeen et al,2012). This new Model may enable researchers to determine the association among obesity and addiction. The main idea of obesity and addiction model is that anybody can get a food dependence (Ziauddeen et al ,2012). Two widespread ideas have been examined. First that some specific type of food for instance salty food or food with high sugar, are similar with addictive substances and similar in that they activate brain system and induce behavioural adaptations, homogeneous with those generated by substance abuse. This Model proposes that addictive drugs “high-jack” the brain cycle which is important to conduct motivation and pleasure amongst food (Ziauddeen,et al 2012). Compared unprocessed food, food that is gone through a process cause addiction due to the fact they contain nutritive substances forms such as high sugar or other flavours that aren´t in ´naturally occurring foods`. Another important argument is that food dependence is a ´behavioural phenotype` which is found in the subcategory of people diagnosed with obesity and favour drug dependence (Ziauddeen et al,2012). This perspective supports the idea that there is a correlation among DSM IV criteria for “substance-dependence syndrome” and identified structures of overeating. A similar but more limited perspective argues that food dependence phenotype is distinctly and visible in people diagnosed with binge eating (BED) which describes people who have perseverative uncontrolled eating episodes with a fast consumption of huge quantities of food even if the person has no hunger. The cause of a rising distribution of obesity is apparently the rising in food availability. This propound the notion that any control lost in eating provides evidence that obesity as dependance. However, social circumstances which may cause unhealthy food intake must be considered as well (Ziauddeen et al,2012). Ziauddeen (2012) “Although obesity per se is often linked to addiction, a more nuanced view suggests that if food addiction produces obesity, it is likely to do so only in certain individuals with disordered eating behaviours such as BED” (Ziauddeen et al,2012).

According to research specific types of food for instance “Hyper- palatable food” which contains salt, sugar, oil or other flavouring substances are possible triggers for food addiction and corresponding to this overeating or obesity. Loud authors food addiction put forward an extreme activity with food which is defined as eating frequently a huge quantity in a short time span. These “overeating” episodes can appear for one day or even weeks. Afterwards the individual sense guilt and is ashamed and the precipitating factors for these kinds of overeating are emotional disturbance and stress (Dimitrijevic, et al 2015).

Lately study with animals and human beings has increased the possible major eventuality that foods may precipitate biologic and psychologic activity like those viewed typical with drug abuse (Gearhardt, et al, 2009). Clinical consideration suggested the notion that food could have addictive components. People with diverse eating problems describe cravings and that they sense these symptoms like withdrawal symptoms. Besides they speak about ascending structures of eating which could be a supporting argument to tolerance (Gearhardt, et al 2009). In pop culture individuals utilize the definition such as food dependence and chocoholic correspond to symptoms which contain cravings for carbohydrates. Widely used diets have been related to the notion that food is addictive as well (Gearhardt,et al 2009). If there is a possibility that food may lead to addiction it is significant to find out which determinants play a role (Gearhardt,et al 2009). Food which goes through a process can contain dozens of ingredients. Until recently study has concentrated on specific macronutrient which is sugar. Detailed study about sugar ascertain that sugar containing food activate the brain equally with drug abuse. Broader study conducted with rats find out that rats who consume sugar show tolerance and withdrawal (Gearhardt et al, 2009). Therefore, there is a considerable indication of that some individuals have problems to control their food intake and aren´t able to resist against specific sort of food.

According to the study by Pretlow (2011) who conducted a qualitative study with youth to investigate that an addiction to highly pleasurable food may cause childhood obesity find out that these youths and preteens utilize food in to overcome and deal with their lives (Pretlow,2011). The highly palatable food alleviates their aggravating and painful sensations and furthermore replace their stress. They were incapable to repress their eating despite of knowing that this activity will result in obesity or weight gain. The study highlighted the fact that highly palatable food can cause food dependence which is equivalent with drug and alcohol addiction. This finding may include an important constituent of the “childhood obesity epidemic” (Pretlow,2011). Additionally, the study of Pretlow finds out two examples which provide evidence for this argument. The teenagers confess that they are food addicted and cannot resist against it; hence they continue eating without control and over eat. These studies justify that food addiction may a probable contributor of obesity and overeating.

Further study which supports the notion that food addiction can cause obesity is the study of Gearhardt et al, 2012. He established the ´Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS)” in an endeavour to measure the notion of food addiction. This scale transcribes the existing substance dependence diagnostic criteria given in the DSM IV to deploy it to eating behaviour (Gearhardt et al, 2012). YFAS consist of two scoring choices one that enable to measure food dependence “symptoms” and the second choice which supply a food dependence “diagnosis” relating to the substance dependence diagnosis in the DSM IV (Gearhardt,et al,2012). They examined this Scale in a clinical sample to find out relevant results which provide support for the idea that food addiction has a positive correlation with obesity and eating symptomatology. Effectively they made a psychometric assessment of the YFAS with existing eating disorders although they are not completely similar, there is a strong link between Binge eating and YFAS (Gearhardt et al,2012).

Another study of Fortuna (2012), focuses on similarities between drug dependence and food addiction. Fortuna argues that there are distinctive clinical commonalities among food addiction and substance addiction. One remarkable commonality is that people with food addiction and substance addiction can activate numerous identic neural pathways (Fortuna, 2012). He mentions the study of Gearhardt and his colleagues where they worked with obese and skinny females who were estimated as food addicts. They showed these women a picture of a chocolate milkshake and detected a striking activation in the “anterior cingulate gyrus and amygdala” (Fortuna,2012 as cited in Gearhard,2011). Contrary to this Fortuna mentioned another finding of the study of Childress and colleagues (1999) were they showed cocaine addicts a video about consuming crack cocaine. These participants notified equal activation in their “cyngulate gryus and amygdala” (Fortuna, 2012 as cited in Childress et al, 1999).

While the former stage of drug consumption a little quantity of the substance lead to a “priming effect” that is an excessive euphoric reaction. This means that people become physiological addicted over a period and a bigger dose is required (Fortuna,2012). Similar in the innocent´ food dependent` the intake of little quantity of “highly palatable food” generated a euphoric effect, which after a time reduced and substantial higher amount of food was needed to reach the favoured effect, which therefore ended up in bingeing. Deduced from this study we can say that the consumption of big amounts of tasteful food is a definite contributor in obesity occurrence (Fortuna,2012).

The study of Pedram and colleagues were conducted for the purpose of examining if there is a prevalence of food addiction in the Newfoundland population (Pedrarm et al,2013). They separated the method into three subgroups. First aim was to find out the distribution of food addiction in the general population, secondly, they focus on the question if there is a significant association among food addiction and the severity of obesity and thirdly they concentrated on the consumption of macronutrient in food dependence due to the fact that some information propose that the macronutrient probably play a crucial role (Pedram,et al, 2013). Pedram and his colleagues conducted a study with a subject group consisting of 415 females and 237 males from Newfoundland and Labrador which are regions of Canada. They used the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) to make the diagnosis of existing “Food Addiction” (Pedram et al,2013). The results show evidence about the association among food addiction and obesity. Pedram (2013) “the percentage of food addiction significantly increased with increasing obesity status regardless how adiposity was defined” (Pedram et al,2013). Another important finding was that 80-88.6% of food dependent people were obese adapted from Bray and the BMI (Body Mass Index) criteria which supports the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between food addiction and obesity which therefore means that food addiction contributes obesity in the Newfoundland population (Pedram, et al 2013). The result of this study also illustrates that especially female subjects got a higher score in food addiction rather than male subjects. This finding is equally with eating disorders whereupon females are without much doubt potential bearer of risk of getting any pathologies in eating compared to males (Pedram,et al 2013). Another important and unquestioning result of this study was among food dependence and severity of obesity. Results of extensive analysis shows that there is an important connection between these two variables. All in all, this study reveals that there is a real connection among Food addiction and obesity though we must underpin that it is not the exclusive agent for obesity.

The concept of food addiction as a contributor for obesity and overeating is a highly debatable topic. Despite plenty of researches there is yet not enough supporting evidence. Though one is concrete that food addiction has a strong association with substance dependence which cause similar neural processes. Therefore, we can conclude that food addiction causes high consumption of food and eating pathologies especially binge eating.


Benton D. (2010). The plausibility of sugar addiction and its role in obesity and eating disorders. (Vol. 29).

Childress, A., Mozley, P., Mcelgin, W., Fitzgerald, J., Reivich, M., & O'Brien, C. (1999). Limbic Activation During Cue-Induced Cocaine Craving. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156(1), 11-18.

Dimitrijević, Ivan, Popović, Nada, Sabljak, Vera, Škodrić-Trifunović, Vesna, & Dimitrijević, Nina. (2015). Food addiction-diagnosis and treatment. Psychiatria Danubina, 27(1), 101-6.

Fortuna, Jeffrey L. (2012). The obesity epidemic and food addiction: Clinical similarities to drug dependence. (Vol. 44).

Gearhardt, Ashley N. (2009). Food addiction: An examination of the diagnostic criteria for dependence. (Vol. 3).

Gearhardt, Ashley N. (2011). Neural correlates of food addiction. (Vol. 68).

Gearhardt, Ashley N. (2012). An examination of the food addiction construct in obese patients with binge eating disorder. (Vol. 45).

Pedram, Pardis, Wadden, Danny, Amini, Peyvand, Gulliver, Wayne, Randell, Edward, Cahill, Farrell, . . . Sun, Guang. (2013). Food Addiction: Its Prevalence and Significant Association with Obesity in the General Population. PLoS ONE, 8(9), E74832.

Pretlow, Robert A. (2011). Addiction to Highly Pleasurable Food as a Cause of the Childhood Obesity Epidemic: A Qualitative Internet Study. (Vol. 19).

Rogers, Peter J. (2017). Food and drug addictions: Similarities and differences. (Vol. 153).

Ziauddeen, H., & Fletcher, P. (2013). Is food addiction a valid and useful concept? Obesity Reviews, 14(1), 19-28.

Ziauddeen, H., Farooqi, I., & Fletcher, P. (2013). Obesity and the brain: How convincing is the addiction model? European Neuropsychopharmacology, 23, S156.
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