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Bilinçli Farkındalık Temelli Bilişsel Terapi Programının Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Duygu Düzenleme Güçlüklerini Azaltmadaki Etkisi
YAZI #6727 © Yazan Uzm.Psk.Nazire Ayşenur YILMAZ | Yayın Ekim 2020
Bu çalışma bilinçli farkındalık temelli bilişsel terapi programının üniversite öğrencilerinin duygu düzenleme güçlüklerini azaltmadaki etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla azırlanmıştır. Araştırma, öntest-sontest modelli yarı deneysel bir çalışmadır.
Araştırma, İstanbul’da psikoloji bölümünde ikinci ve üçüncü sınıflarında öğrenim görmekte olan 10 öğrencinin katılımıyla gerçekleşmiştir. Ölçme aracı uygulama öncesinde ön-test, uygulamanın bitiminde ise son-test olarak uygulanmıştır.

Araştırmada katılımcılara sekiz oturumdan oluşan her oturumu 90 dakika süren bir program uygulanmıştır. Tek grup öntest - sontest kontrol grupsuz yarı deneysel desenin kullanıldığı çalışmada veriler, Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıra Testi ile çözümlenmiştir. Yapılan analizler bilinçli farkındalık temelli bilişsel terapi programının üniversite öğrencilerinin duygu düzenleme güçlüklerini azaltmada etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Terapi programının kalıcılığını belirlemek için grup üyelerine onbeş ay sonra tekrar duygu düzenleme güçlüğü ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda son-test ile izleme testi puanı arasında bir farkın olmadığı, bu anlamda yapılan bilinçli farkındalık temelli bilişsel terapi programının uzun süreli bir etkiye sahip olduğu bulunmuştur

Emotion regulation is the control of active emotions. These differences include factors such as; emotion itself, density of emotion, duration of emotion, (Thompson, 1994; Gross 1998) or other psychological processes as; memory andsocial interaction (Cole, Martin, Dennis 2004). Emotion regulation includes: how we experience our emotions, how we express them, also how we effect them (Gross, 2002). Difficulty in emotion regulation is defined as lack of mindfulness about emotions, difficulty in comprehending and accepting emotions, also having difficulty in impulse control and behaviours focused on aimed purpose during negative affection (Gratz ve Roemer 2004). Emotions can cause both negative and positive results (John, Gross 2004). Main determinant is the way of emotion regulation (Denollet ve diğ. 2008). Gross and Munoz (1995) indicated that emotion regulation is the base of psychological healthiness. Research has
shown that emotion dysregulation has negative effects on individuals’ health and well-being. Emotion dysregulation, which effects individuals’ psychological health negatively and is defined as a part of clinical picture in anxiety and mood disorders (Campbell-Sills and Barlow, 2007; Gibb et al., 2001; Hankin, 2005; Maciejewski and Mazure, 2006). Emotional dysregulation may also be observed in psychological conditions
such as; generalized anxiety disorder (Mennin et al., 2002), posttraumatic stres disorder (Cloitre, 1998), drug abuse (Hayes et al., 1996), disassociative symptoms (Briere, 2010), self-destructive behaviour (Gratz et al., 2006, Gratz and Chapman, 2007), eating disorders (Sim and Zeman 2006; Whiteside et al., 2007) borderline
personality disorder (Linehan 1993; Gratz et al., 2006)


The aim of this research is, evaluating the effects of mindfulness based cognitive therapy program on the decrease of university students’ emotion regulation difficulties. Research is based on a quasi-experimental and pretest-posttest design without a control group. The sample for this research comsisted of volunteer second and

third year students from psychology department in 2016-2017 academic year. Research is conducted with 10 students, (6 female and 4 male). Participants were between the ages of 19 and 22. Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, developed by Gratz and Roemer (2004), is administeredfor assigning students in the sample group. Non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used for testing the meaningfulness of the difference between the pretest-posttest scores.


Participants’ Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale pretest score mean is =101,50, posttest score mean is = 90,50. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used for testing the meaningfulness of the difference between the pretest-posttest scores. According to the results, there is a significant difference between the pretest-posttest scores of the participants’ (z=,-2,145 p<.05). Students’ posttest Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale mean is = 90,50, follow-up test mean score is = 88,30. There is not any statistically significant difference found between the posttest and follow-up test

results (z=,-102 p>.05). 48


The Effectiveness of mindfulness based therapy program on the decrease of University students’ difficulty in emotion regulation is tested in this research. According to statistical anaylsis, therapy program has a statistically meaningful effect on the decrease of students’ difficulty in emotion regulation. Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale was administered fifteen months after the completion to follow-upthe

decrease of emotion regulation difficulties. Results have shown that, there is not any significant difference between the posttest and monitoring test scores. It can be a indication of mindfulness based cognitive therapy program’s effect on the decrease of difficulty in emotion regulation that it can have a long term effect. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy program which is prepared for this study, is mainly composed of
consciousness of emotions and emotion regulation. After eight sessions, while students’ stated their opinions about sessions and themselves, they expressed that their consciousness about their emotions were increased in the process. According to the results, these statements were verified. Goldin and Gross (2010) expressed in their study that mindfulness is an effective method for the reduction of
emotion regulation difficulties. Considering similar studies in the literature, mindfulness based therapies have positive effects on individuals’ cognitive and emotional processes (Baer, 2007; Johnson and Larson, 1982; Cooper, Frone, Russell and Mudar, 1995; Mennin, Heimberg and Fresco 2005).
As a result of this study, mindfulness based cognitive therapy program is effective on the decrease in emotion regulation difficulties. Follow-up test scores indicated that the effect of the program was long term.
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Nazire Ayşenur YILMAZ Fotoğraf
Uzm.Psk.Nazire Ayşenur YILMAZ
İstanbul (Online hizmet de veriyor)
Uzman Klinik Psikolog
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