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Movie Analysis From The Perspective Of Trauma: A Monster Calls (2016)
YAZI #7359 © Yazan Uzm.Psk.Eylül Berfin ÖN | Yayın Nisan 2022
13-year-old Conor O'Malley (Lewis MacDougall) is going through the toughest period of his life. His mother (Felicity Jones) has terminal cancer, and his friends at school constantly humiliate him, nor does he has a close relationship with his father and grandmother. In the middle of the night, a giant tree-man-shaped monster comes through his window. The monster will tell him stories, and in return, Conor will tell his life to the monster without telling any lies. In this way, Conor will gradually begin to grasp the reality of his own emotions and life. Too small to be an adult, too big to be a child. The Film began with this sentence. We can talk about attachment theory here. Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that binds one person to another in time and space (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969). This experience led Bowlby to consider the importance of the child's relationship with his mother in terms of his social, emotional, and cognitive development. In particular, he shaped his belief about the connection between mother and early infant separation and later dissonance, leading Bowlby to formulate his attachment theory. (McLeod, 2017) There are many styles of attachment. Looking at Conor, he has ambivalent attachment. They're parenting kids videlicet look like your own parent, so they're worried about their parents not being there. For this reason, attachment trauma may even have lived. The first three years of life are called the attachment phase of development. During this period, we need to feel safe in our relationships with parents, other primary caregivers. This allows us to develop a healthy sense of self that underpins our ability to develop healthy relationships. If you experienced C-PTSD in childhood, these early relationships were most likely frightening, unpredictable, threatening, or unusable. Your ability to create a secure connection is likely to be impaired. Children respond to these initial relationships by developing attachment styles that are classified as safe, insecure ambivalent, insecure-avoidant, and disorganized attachment. (Schwartz,2019)
He can't act like a child, and judging by the scene in the film, her grandmother comes to Conor's house and asks him to make her a tea. Normally, Grandma should do it, not Conor. After Conor wakes up every day, he makes breakfast for himself, does all the dishes and then goes to school. In the film, we see Conor drawing often. He uses ‘affective mode of coping’ as a coping mechanism. The affective mode of coping rely on emotions as guides in times of stress or crisis. Use nonverbal methods such as drawing, reading, or writing to express yourself. These help release emotional expression and reduce tension(Kalem,2020). In addition, Conor was making use of internal resources by drawing. According to Kalem(2020), the concept we call internal resources is our capabilities, skills, time, space and conditions. First of all, resiliency is to be able to come out of what we are going through with their own resources or with the help of others. (Lahad, 1992) there are some elements that facilitate the concept of Resiliency. One of them is the concept of social support. Social support is about building and supporting good relationships with others. It helps individuals overcome negative emotions rather than cope on their own. (Kalem, 2020) When we look at the film, we can say that the tree figure is social support for Conor. In addition, Conor had no friends at school. He was even beaten up often by his friends after school. Conor was doing nothing against this bullying. As his friends hit him, it was as if he felt nothing and was unresponsive. This behavior can be closely related to feeling helpless. Maybe he thought there was no point in trying, based on family relationships. There are stress factors in Conor's life. Selye (1956) is one of the leading scientists interested in the subject of stress and describes stress as the body's response to any non-specific demands imposed on the body (Johnstone, 1989: 4). There are two types of stress: acute and chronic. And Conor had multiple chronic stresses. Chronic stress is the response to emotional pressure that the individual perceives that they have little or no control over a long period of time ( Wikipedia,2020). Conor often saw his mother in pain and there was a period of constant hospitalization treatment. This is a repetitive traumatic event for him. Conor suffers secondary trauma caused by his mother's cancer. This condition, which we can call secondary trauma, is much more difficult to eliminate the traumatic scars. Secondary trauma, as the name suggests, means that people who witnessed the event are not directly exposed to the traumatic event, but are traumatized (DBE,2009).
Another traumatic event is the fact that his classmates beat him frequently after school. Psychological trauma is the damage of the mind that occurs as a result of a distressing event. Trauma often exceeds one's ability to cope or is unable to integrate the emotions associated with that experience. Trauma can result from a single harrowing experience or repetitive overwhelmed events that can be precipitation with emergencies and eventually lead to serious, long-term negative consequences. (Wikipedia, 2020) Psychological trauma is divided into two.. Small" t " are events that exceed our capacity to cope and cause disruption in emotional functionality. Not only do these harrowing events naturally threaten life or bodily integrity, but perhaps the sense of helplessness could be better described as ego-threatening. A major trauma is distinguished as an extraordinary and important event that allows the individual to feel weak and have little control over their environment. Desperation is also an important factor of large 'T' traumas, and the degree of experienced desperation is far beyond a small 't' trauma. Large 'T' traumas are more easily detected by the experiencer, as well as any familiarity with their condition. A large 'T' trauma is often sufficient to cause serious distress and interfere with the daily functioning of the individual, and this effect is exacerbated by prolonged periods of avoidance behavior lasting and circumventing treatment. (Barbash,2017) When we looked at Conor, he had both physical threat(t) bullied by his friends, and psychological threats(t), he had to go out of school to the hospital, his mother had health problems, his father left him at an early age, he was living with someone else, he was a neglected child, and in addition, he had adverse childhood experiences. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that occur before the age of 18. Aces include all forms of abuse and neglect, as well as parental mental illness, substance use, divorce, incarceration and domestic violence. A major study in the 1990s found a significant association between the number of aces a person experienced and various adverse outcomes in adulthood, including poor physical and mental health, substance abuse, and risky behaviors (Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs),t.y.) Given all these factors, we can say that Conor had a complex trauma. According to Kalem(2020) complex trauma can lead to the most serious and lasting effects as a result of repeated and prolonged exposure to serious events. Spinazzola et al. (2005) described complex trauma as the experience of multiple or chronic and long-term, developmentally negative traumatic events that are often of a personal nature and occur at an early age. Conor has often witnessed his mother's illness, seeing every phase of it. This is a repetitive traumatic event. It's also a recurring traumatic event, classmates beating him up, and all of this is the cause of the complex trauma. According to Kalem(2020) for the development of PTSD, there are fundamental things that increase risk, such as the severity, duration, and proximity of an individual's exposure. Traumatic events for Conor have been protracted so the risk of developing PTSD has increased. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a group of symptoms that can occur as a result of an encounter with a traumatic source of stress. This disorder is an intense, prolonged and sometimes delayed response to an event that leads to extreme stress, and it is the only anxiety disorder in which the cause of onset can be clearly determined (Psikonet,2010).
There were also some factors complicating the situation he was experiencing. For example, he had little resources and support prior to traumatic events. He had both physical and psychological threats. Conor knew his mother was very ill and could not recover. Conor was very surprised at King Kong's death while Conor and his mother watched King Kong. He understood that life was not always going the way he wanted it to be, and that one day he would lose his mother, he reconciled this film scene with his mother. As her mother's condition worsened, she began to come to terms with the fact that her life would be much more difficult. If she lost her mother, she would have to live with her grandmother, and she didn't want that. His father didn't want to take him, saying there wasn't enough room in their house. He had no one to explain all these problems. Conor didn't know what to do. So he was trying to get rid of the burden with the tree monster that he had created with his unconscious imagination. It was his coping mechanism. This mechanism is called 'imagination mode of coping', rely on imagination as a guide in times of stress or crisis. Imagine additional solutions to the problem beyond reality through improvisation, art and creative methods (Kalem,2020). The monster tells him that he will tell him three stories, and eventually he wants Conor to tell his own story. It was like the inform consent in therapy that he said monster was going to tell three stories. It was coming at regular intervals also sounded like a therapy session at 12:06 or 12:07 each time. Considering the therapist is a tree, it's not ethically right for her to convey her own experiences. In the first story, the queen is not a bad person, and the prince is not as innocent as he seems. Sometimes there's no good or bad. Conor realized that no one was entirely bad or a good person. It's all about our perception and our vision. He sees his grandmother differently after this story. He realizes that her grandmother is acting like a witch because she has so much trouble. In the second story, the yew tree is mentioned. This tree is the best healing tree, filled with life and healing for all diseases. The tree says to Conor, ' Faith is so precious you have to be careful who you give it to and what you give it to.’ His mother had also told Conor ‘Believing is half the healing’ when he last went for treatment, and said the drug was made from yew wood. Believe mode of coping is used here. As a guide in times of stress and crisis, beliefs and values are relied upon (Kalem, 2020). Examples of this coping are self-belief, religious belief, sense of mission,etc. And the final story is about the invisible man. Through this story he once again comes to terms with the fact that he is invisible to the eyes of others. He beats up his friends and then smashes everything in his grandmother's salon with the monster. But then he says he didn't do it, he's not conscious. And now it was Conor's turn. Conor put up a strong resistance. The fourth story The Monster mentioned was Conor's nightmare. Conor often saw his mother fall through the cracks in his nightmare and was unable to save him. He blamed himself for not being able to save his mother. Before his mother falls into this rift, the Monster tells Conor to tell me the truth, tell me his nightmare. He's showing incredible resistance and he doesn't want to admit it.'I want it to be over now, I can't bear to know he's going to die, I wanted it to be over and I let it fall,’ Conor says. My mother had been saying for a long time that she was going to get better, because that was what I wanted to hear, and I both believed her and I didn't. Conor said that 'I couldn't bear to know I would feel alone'. His mother dies at the end of the film. So he doesn't have to live in constant uncertainty. And at the end of the film, we see that body memory and implicity memory never forget. We see the drawings of his coping mechanism, which he portrayed as a tree monster, in fact from a notebook he made with his mother when he was little.
Too small to be an adult, too big to be a child. The Film began with this sentence, which may be the best sentence to sum up the film. In fact, the subject of the film was a situation that we often encounter in daily life. It deals with the traumatic life of a sick mother and a child who must act like an adult. In the film, you have a chance to see clearly which feelings Conor has been repressed, and he has repressed his feelings so much that he now wants it all to be over. He blames himself for wanting it. While what people see as good can have bad consequences, situations they perceive as bad can have good consequences. It's all about that person's perspective. As a result, it varies from person to person. And we can't silence our inner voices, and sometimes we have to listen to it often. We have to listen to ourselves.

McLeod, S. A. (2017, February 5). Attachment theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
Schwartz, A.(2019, October 9).Complex PTSD and Attachment Trauma.Retrieved from
Davranış Bilimleri Enstitüsü (DBE). (2009, December 12). İkincil Travma Travmanın Domino Etkisi. Retrieved from
Barbash,E. (2017, March 13). Different Types of Trauma: Small 't' versus Large ‘T’.Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).(t.y.) Retrieved from
Psikonet.(2010,August 19). Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu Nedir?.Retrieved from
Wikipedia contributors. (2020, May 17). Psychological trauma. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
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