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Adolescent Kavramı ile İlgili Makaleler, Uzmanlar, Kaynaklar
Adolescent Kavramı ile İlgili 3 Makale
SIDE - SHIFTING EXERCISES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ADOLESCENT IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS * Fahri ERDOĞAN MD Nafiz BİLSEL MD Önder AYDINGÖZ MD Nurettin HEYBELİ MD ABSTRACT: The pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown despite extensive studies. Muscle dysfunction, skeletal factors, genetic factors, metabolic and chemical factors and abnormal function of the central nervous sys-tem might be responsible. These controversies also affect the treatment methods. Bracing is a very old form of management of scoliosis. Electrospinal stimulation is another form of conservative treatment. These two are pas-sive correction methods in scoliosis. The principle of active correction... »»»
Cukurova Medical Journal Cukurova Med J 2019;44(Suppl 1):140-147 ÇUKUROVA ÜNİVERSİTESİ TIP FAKÜLTESİ DOI: 10.17826/cumj.551351 Yazışma Adresi/Address for Correspondence: Dr. Melek Gözde Luş, Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Science, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Istanbul, Turkey E-mail: gozdelus@yahoo.com Geliş tarihi/Received: 09.04.2019 Kabul tarihi/Accepted: 05.07.2019 Çevrimiçi yayın/Published online: 24.09.2019 ARAŞTIRMA / RESEARCH Internet addiction among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Dikkat eksikliği/hiperaktivite bozukluğu olan ergenlerde internet bağımlılığı Melek Gözde Luş1, Meliha Zengin Eroğlu2 1Ha... »»»
Abstract This study aimed to assess the prevalence of bipolar disorder (BPD) in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to compare the clinical characteristics of a group with ADHD with a group with co-morbidity of ADHD and BPD. The study includes 121 individuals, aged 616 years, with a diagnosis of ADHD. Comorbidity of BPD was evaluated using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-age Children- Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL) and the Parent-Young Mania Rating Scale (P-YMRS). The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used to assess psychopathology in two groups. Ten children (8.3%) in the ADHD sample received the a... »»»
Adolescent Kavramı ile İlgili Uzmanlar
Prof.Dr.Fahri ERDOĞAN, İstanbul , Ortopedi Uzmanı
Dr.Melek Gözde LUŞ, İstanbul , Psikiyatrist
adolescent KAVRAMI ile ilgili uzman ve kaynak isimleri sistemimiz tarafından üyemiz uzmanların paylaştığı içeriklerin (makale, yazı, video vs.) başlıkları, içlerinde geçen anahtar kelimeler vs. kriterlere göre OTOMATİK olarak derlenmektedir. Sistemin otomatik eşleştirmesi bazı durumlarda hatalı olabileceğinden burada listelenen uzmanların adolescent KAVRAMI ile ilgili olup olmadıklarının kendileri ile iletişime geçilerek teyid edilmesini rica ederiz.
İlgili Kavramlar
