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Domestic Violence
MAKALE #19810 © Yazan Uzm.Psk.Doğancan DURSUN | Yayın Eylül 2018 | 1,579 Okuyucu
Nowadays, children are affected by domestic violence. Watching, hearing or later learning of a parent being harmed by a partner threatens children’s sense of stability and security. They experience emotional, psychological, social, behavioral and developmental consequences. This research analyze that children who witness to domestic violence behave aggressively and get lower mark at primary school than children who did not witness to domestic violence. Children Aggression Scale and school exams are used in this research. Students and teacher was the participants of this research. Students are recruited from 50. Year Primary School in Istanbul. Assumption of this study, student who witness domestic violence tend to more aggressive behavior and low school performance on the school examination.
Domestic violence is a overwhelming social problem that affects every part of the population. Social workers have been working with victims of domestic violence for years in the courts, the emergency rooms, and shelters. Domestic violence does not discriminate, it happens in every racial and ethnic community, as well as in every socioeconomic group. The Women’s Resource and Rape Assistance Program defines domestic violence: “A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone. Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. Domestic violence occurs in both opposite-sex and same-sex relationships and can happen to intimate partners who are married, living together, or dating. Domestic violence not only affects those who are abused but also has a substantial effect on family members, friends, coworkers, other witnesses, and the community at large. Children who grow up witnessing domestic violence are among those seriously affected by this crime. Frequent exposure to violence in the home not only predisposes children to numerous social and physical problems, but also teaches them that violence is a normal way of life—therefore, increasing their risk of becoming society’s next generation of victims and abusers.” .[1] The meaning of the witnessing can be seeing actual incidents of physical/and or sexual abuse. Also, it can mean hearing threats or fighting noises from another room. Children might also observe the aftermath of physical abuse such as tears, blood, bruises, torn clothing, and broken items. Finally, children might be aware of the tension in the home such as their mother’s fearfulness when the abuser’s car pulls into the driveway.
In addition to the direct impact of witnessing violence on child behavior, children are affected indirectly by family conflict through the breakdown of family relationships (such as inter-marital, sibling, or parent-child relationships). Studies have shown that children who witness violence in the home display higher rates of depression, anxiety and other emotional problems as compared to other children. The long-term consequences of witnessing family violence is also well documented in the research literature. Many studies show that men who witnessed their fathers abuse their mothers are at greater risk of abusing their own partners as adults. [2]
Domestic violence occurs in every culture, country, and age group. It affects people from all socioeconomic, educational, and religious backgrounds and happens in both same-sex and heterosexual relationships. Children are also affected by domestic violence, even if they are not abused or do not witness it directly. There are several negative effect on children include:
• Death by suicide
• Emotional injuries, such as low self esteem
• Death by homicide
• Aggressive behavior toward others/delinquency
• Depression
• Poor school adjustment (educational and peer adjustment)
• Modeling behavior; learned victim/aggressor roles
• Runaway episodes
• Alcohol/drug experimentation
• Early marriage
• Continuation of violent behavior in their adult relationships
• Expansion of violence in the community
The aim of this study, find the how domestic violence’s lead to negative consequences such as aggression behavior and lower mark from task or examination. Our research questions are that how domestic violence effect children behavior ? and how domestic violence effect to children school performance? In this research, we focused on 2 negative problems. These are aggressive behavior and low school performance on the examination. Our hypotheses are that the students who witness to domestic violence may show more aggressive behavior than students who did not witness to domestic violence on The Children Aggression Scale. Also, the students who witness to domestic violence may get lower mark than students who did not witness to domestic violence on the school examination.

Our research question is that is domestic violence effect on children aggressive behavior and effect to school performance? Because domestic violence has negative impact on children. Children learn what they live and their families are the most important point at times time. They directly affected by their families. There are a lots of research literature review about domestic violence and children. Generally, studies using the Child Behavior Checklist and similar measures have found child witnesses of domestic violence to exhibit more aggressive and antisocial (often called “externalized” behaviors) as well as fearful and inhibited behaviors (“internalized” behaviors), and to show lower social competence than other children. Children who witnessed violence were also found to show more anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anger, and temperament problems than children who did not witness violence at home.[3 ] Children from homes where their mothers were being abused have shown less skill in understanding how others feel and examining situations from others’ perspectives when compared to children from nonviolent households. Peer relationships, autonomy, self-control, and overall competence were also reported significantly lower among boys who had experienced serious physical violence and been exposed to the use of weapons between adults living in their homes. According to the 1993 Canadian VAWS, men who witnessed their mothers being physically abused by their fathers as children were three times more likely to be violent in their own marital relationships than men who grew up in non-violent homes (Johnson, 1996).[4] Although most research has focused on male violence toward their partner, there is some evidence that women who witnessed inter-parental violence in childhood have a higher likelihood of using violence against their own spouses or dating partners (Avakame, 1998; Breslin et al., 1990).[5] In addition, women who witnessed their mothers being abused are more likely to have low self-esteem as adults (Silvern et al., 1995) [6], and are significantly more likely to suffer from abuse in their own marital relationships (Dauvergne and Johnson, 2001). Another studies have shown that children who witness violence in the home display higher rates of depression, anxiety and other emotional problems as compared to other children. (Dauvergne and Johnson, 2001; Holden and Ritchie, 1991; Hughes et al., 1989; Hughes, 1988). [7]

Participants have recruited from 50.Year Primary School student who study in Istanbul. 10 male and 10 female students are recruited from 4th year class. All students have chosen who witness domestic violence at home. Students were informed about the importance of the research and that completing it was voluntary. 10 male and 10 female students are recruited from another 4th year class. All these students have chosen who did not witness domestic violence at home. In our research, respect to the family history, contacted the parents by phone and asked them to participate in a research project concerned with the effects of stressful life circumstances on children's development. Participants’ names are kept anonymous and they are informed of their roles in the study before beginning. Each participants' families are asked to sign consent forms after the explanation of their rights of children and prior to the start of the study. Participants will also be informed of their right to leave the study at any point.
Design and Procedure /Materials
Children Aggression Scale item was used in this research as a research material. The CAS is an informant rating scale that is designed to evaluate setting-specific frequency and severity of aggressive acts of children and adolescents ages 5 to18 years. Also we use the Teacher Rating form. It yield setting-specific information about a child's aggressive acts, as well as information regarding the frequency and severity of those aggressive acts.. Frequency of questions due to aggression ranged between 0 and 6 or more times. Time duration was 10 to 15 minutes.
First of all, we begin with students. Researcher read the each of questions to students. Students are asked to mark with a circle the number of times they did that behavior during the last 7 days. After, students completed Children Aggression Scale. Researcher give Teacher Rating form to student's responsible teacher. These items measure teachers ' reports of student's aggressive behavior. Teachers are asked to indicate how often each child exhibits certain aggressive behaviors during a school time last 7 days.
Another measurement item was exam papers. These exam papers include : Mathematics, Turkish Language, History. Time duration was 40 minutes. Researcher asked to students mark to their teacher for each of exam papers.
At the end of data collection, we analyze The Children Aggression Scale. We compare the result of CAS between students who witness domestic violence and students who did not witness domestic violence. Also we compare the responds between students and Teachers. Children's Mathematics, Turkish Language, History exams paper are compared between children who witness domestic violence and children who did not witness domestic violence. Eventually, we compare the sex differences for each groups as a who witness domestic violence and students who did not witness domestic violence.

A mean score for the Children Aggression Scale was calculated for each student and compared between children who witness domestic violence and children who did not witness domestic violence. According to findings of Children Aggression Scale, mean score of students who witness domestic violence have higher score than students who did not witness domestic violence.
A mean score for the Teacher Ratings was calculated for each student and compared with the students’ scores on the Children Aggression Scale. The mean score for the students who witness domestic violence was 40 on Teacher Rating. The mean score for the students who did not witness domestic violence was 10 on Teacher Rating. These findings show that students who witness domestic have higher score than students who did not witness domestic violence.
Exam result of students who witness domestic violence have lower mark than students who did not witness domestic violence. Exam result shown that domestic violence has negative effects on student examination.
There is no significant differences between female and male students who witness domestic violence on exam paper. Generally, result was lower mark than students who did not witness domestic violence. But, male scored higher than females on Child Aggression Scale.

All of these findings support our hypothesis. According to current research, the students who witness to domestic violence may show aggressive behavior and get lower mark than students who did not witness to domestic violence from task or examination at primary school.
As in any research, this study has some limitations. The first limitation was student's IQ . Even we try to choose all participants from the same age, sociocultural statue, school. But we have no idea about children intelligence quotient. Also, number of the participant is problematic issue. The number of participant was very few. Even we found more student who witness domestic violence, but their families do not want to attend our research. Television violence might be confounding variable in this research. Because children are affected by domestic violence at home , so children tend to watch aggressive television programs and try to imitate aggressive behavior as model. This can be increase the children aggression and harmful effect on school exams.
This research will be beneficial for the further research. Because research hypotheses are supported by findings. Respond of the students compare with the respond of the teachers. It is very important to crosscheck. In this way, these two findings support each other. Also, all of the materials that used in this research was well-prepared. These materials are easy to administer and focused on aim of the research. For example, The Children Aggression Scale play important role to determinate how many times the children behave aggressively. The Children Aggression Scale is applied in that it takes only a few minutes to complete. The Children Aggression Scale is well understood by students. The scale also focuses on overt behaviors, which are easier to quantify than subjective perceptions. Overt behaviors also should be the focus of violence prevention efforts. Thus, the Aggression Scale could be a helpful tool for program evaluation and further research on violence prevention in primary schools.
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